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Friday, August 19, 2016

The American Robin

The American Robin

The American robin is a very small bird. Its name in Latin is Turdus Migratoius. Turdus means thrush so it is a small bird that finds it's food on the ground. The wingspan of an American robin is 12.2-15.7 in. And their length is 7.9-11 in. The female robin is duller in color in comparison to the male. The male has a bright orange reddish color on its chest. And its head is black. For a male to attract a female he would raise his tail feathers and inflate there throat. And when they find a mate they stay with them forever sharing a kiss to symbolize it. The American robin likes to live in areas like front yards, golf courses and pine forests. They eat fruit like chokecherries, hawthorn and dogwood.

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