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Friday, August 10, 2018

Red Tailed Hawk

The Red-tailed Hawk lives mainly in America, but it also lives in Canada and Mexico. It can be 18-25 inches in length and have a 4 feet wingspan. The color of its back and wings may be dark brown or gray. It has a cinnamon colored neck and chest. The females are larger than the males. They protect the nests aggressively. The males defend their territory by circling it. They have mates for life. They do not sing but have a raspy screeching call. They can live anywhere that is open from parks to desert. They can eat anything from 0 ounces to 5 pounds which includes birds, snakes, small mammals and even carrion. They have really sharp eyesight which allows them to see prey from the top of perches. They like breeding in high perches so they have a clear view of everything. They are really adaptable. This is the reason they are a low concern bird. It has a 2.3 million global breeding population. This bird is awesome just look at the picture on top.

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