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Monday, August 1, 2016

Blue Jays

Blue Jays are common bird to see in the Eastern/Central part of the United States. There scientific names are are Cyanocitta Cristata, which stands for Crested Blue Chattering Bird. Males and females have the same physical traits, crest, black breast band, and black eyeline. Even their blue, grey and white top coat is the same. There mating is a bit peculiar though, 3 to 10 males will follow a single female and try to serenade her with head bobbing and mating calls. Only one luck male will be picked to be the life long mate of that female, and to strengthen that life long bond the male will bring food to her. Blue Jays live almost most anywhere but they can be usually found near oak trees because of there fondness for acorns. A Blue Jays migration style is all over the place sometimes the will migrate south sometimes they wont it depends on them. Blue Jays eat pretty common bird stuff, insects, seeds acorns. They have been sometimes to known to eat the eggs and hatchings of other birds. Blue Jays are also pretty clever birds, they have a talent for mimicking calls of other birds like hawks and crows. They use this talent to scare other birds from feeders to get a easy meal.

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